सु-स्वागतम :)
मेरो ब्लगमा आएर रूचि देखाईदिनु भएकोमा धन्यवाद ।।

Dec 14, 2015

LovinG YoU EveryDaY

Beyond the day up to beyond this life,
with a wish to have u in every life and my living !
You only be my loving desire of my soul,
 i have words Coz, i have U
I feel Live Coz, i Love U
Loving you is not just be in a relationship my love,
its a most important reason of my heartBeat,
And Loving you is not just by saying it
but, a finding my true soulmate !
Loving you is not just to express my feelings
but, inspiring the world as well,,
Loving you is not just getting your care
but to have courage to say hate u in loneliness!
Actually loving you is a having this freedom from world and challenge every obstacle with a confidence of WIN !!
Loving you is just amazing,
Loving you is to feel your smile
Loving you is to see your comfort
Loving you is all about
Loving you is everything,
Loving you is having a meaningful life,
Loving you is U R always awesome,
Loving u is having no more choice,
No exception, only the perfection,
And loving you is to daring to say with the world,
Loving you is craziness
Loving you is what i am doing now,
This is me and my stupidity because,
Loving you is being true and blessed by god !!
Loving you is more than anything/everything
Loving you is living for ever and ever :)
Loving you is not getting anymore words (:
Loving you is beautiful today n everyday.
Loving you is infinity.... !!

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